Ear pain, also known as an earache, is a common complaint that can have many different causes. These include infection, poor eustachian tube function, or temporomandibular joint problems (TMJ). Other causes can include tooth pain, sore throat, an excess buildup of ear wax, sinus infection, or a foreign object in the ear. Treatment of earache will depend on the cause, which should relieve the pain in most situations
The mastoid is the bony area behind the ear that helps to ventilate the middle ear. This space is made up of very thin partitions of bone. These small spaces can be filled with infection or severe inflammation during an acute or chronic middle ear infection. This can be a very serious condition, so proper diagnosis is crucial. Our doctors will examine your ears to look for signs of infection, and possibly order diagnostic tests such as a CT scan or an MRI to look for the extent of the infection. In more severe cases, surgery may be needed to adequately treat the infection.
Beaumont Medical Building, West Bloomfield
6900 Orchard Lake Rd. Suite 314
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Phone: 248.855.7530
Fax: 248.855.5639
Hours of Service
8 AM – 4 PM Mon, Tues, Wed, and Fri
9 AM – 5 PM Thurs
Closed for lunch 12-1 PM daily
Unasource Medical Campus
4600 Investment Dr.
Suite 170
Troy, MI 48098
Phone: 248.267.5004
Fax: 248.267.5007
Hours of Service
8 AM – 4 PM Monday through Friday
Closed for lunch 12-1 PM daily